- TS-EN-ISO 9001:2008
- TS-EN-ISO 14001:2005
- TS 18001:2008 OHSAS
ISM Minibar aims to make the quality, the main element of the corporate culture through a customer-oriented perspective. In this regard, quality is a way of living for ISM Minibar employees.
Providing satisfaction for its customers as well as all employees and suppliers and sharing the quality targets and quality policies with the relevant parties has become an indispensable part of our policy.
Our target is to use natural resources and any energy sources in the most efficient and economical manner, to take waste (solid, liquid, gas) and noise pollution under control, minimize the negative effects of our operations on environment and human health, to raise awareness of all our employees and our customers on topics including the protection of our environment through training supports, to use technologies which cause the least harm to the environment to the degree which the commercial, technical and economical facilities allow us to do in the new investment and projects and minimizing the harm to the environment through making improvements on the current structure as much as possible make up for our Environment Policy.
ISM Minibar; faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanabilecek hava, su ve toprak kirliliği ile ilgili olarak yürürlükteki çevre mevzuatına tam uyum sağlamaktadır. Yasal limitlere uygun çalışılması için gerekli tüm teknik ve organizasyonel önlemler alınmaktadır. Tesiste oluşan tüm atıklar yönetmeliklere uygun olarak sınıflandırılmakta, depolanmakta, taşınmakta ve bertaraf edilmektedir. Uygun olarak atıkların geri kazanım/geri dönüşüm imkânlarının araştırılması şirketimizin öncelikli hedefidir.
ISM Minibar fully complies with the environment legislation in effect concerning the air, water and soil pollution which may result from its activities. All of the required technical and organization precautions are taken so that legal limits are observed. All the waste building up in the facility is classified, stored, transported and disposed of in accordance with the regulations. Researching the possibilities for due recovery/recycle of the waste is a prioritized objective of our company.
As ISM Minibar, it is our Occupational Health and Safety policy to protect the occupational health and safety of all of our employees during our activities in both the institutes we provide services for and during our production activities and provide constant improvement within the work atmosphere.